Visitors Guide

Opening Hours

Tuesday to Sunday: 09:00 – 17:00, last admission 16:30. Closed on Monday unless otherwise notified


Present booking QR code and valid ID for admission at the time slot you booked. Book your tickets in advance on our official website or via WeChat official account

Notes to Visitors

1.  Fuqing Overseas Chinese Museum Liem Sioe Liong Memorial Hall is open to the public admission free

2.  Be prepared for security check before entry. Controlled items, lighter, inflammable and explosive or other hazardous goods are prohibited. No pets (except guide dogs)

3.  People with disheveled clothes or with limited disposing capacity and the intoxicated are not allowed to enter

4.  Young children, the elderly and people with limited mobility must be supervised. Visitors with young children should take care of them and make sure they do not run or play or hide behind the exhibition boards. Do not touch the display cabinets and exhibits

5.  Please deposit your belongings before entry and take care of your valuables

6.  Keep your volume down and switch your mobile phone to silent mode

7.  Take care of the facilities, equipment and exhibits. Do not climb, touch, smear or scratch. Keep sharp objects such as keys in your pocket to prevent scratching the display cabinets and exhibits. Do not lean or press against the display cabinets to prevent damage or bodily hurt resulted from broken glass

8.  No unauthorized photo taking within the exhibition halls

9.  No food, drinks or smoking

10.  Keep the environment clean and throw rubbish in the bin

11.  In the event of an emergency, follow the instructions of staff and evacuate in an orderly manner

Please maintain good order while visiting the memorial hall. Thank you for your understanding and support